3 Mistakes to Avoid with Motorized Shades

Motorized shades are becoming a big hit in Rowayton. However, people who are concerned about the environment and want bill reduction, choose motorized solar shades in Rowayton . Besides hitting big, motorized shades are installed incorrectly in most homes. If you’re planning to install electric shades and blinds in Rowayton , the following are top three mistakes you need to avoid. Installing a wrong shade style - To maintain your outside view while keeping the shades close, which shade will you choose light or dark? Your answer would be a light color shade. But, that’s not the right choice. In reality, dark color shades offer better outside view as compared to lighter shades. While selecting shades for your windows, you need to consider various factors, including the fabric openness factor. Most people make this mistake to choose the shade they like by appearance without considering other features. Before you make a purchase, ask yourself what is th...